Sociological Trends Noted in Five Families With Single Mother

Type of parent

A single parent is a person who lives with a kid or children and who does not take a spouse or alive-in partner. Reasons for condign a single parent include divorce, break-up, abandonment, domestic violence, rape, expiry of the other parent, childbirth by a single person or unmarried-person adoption. A unmarried parent family unit is a family with children that is headed by a single parent.[one] [2] [three] [4]

History [edit]

Single parenthood has been mutual historically due to parental mortality rate due to affliction, wars, homicide, work accidents and maternal bloodshed. Historical estimates signal that in French, English, or Castilian villages in the 17th and 18th centuries at least one-third of children lost i of their parents during childhood; in 19th-century Milan, almost one-half of all children lost at to the lowest degree one parent by age xx; in 19th-century Red china, well-nigh one-third of boys had lost one parent or both by the age of 15.[5] Such single parenthood was often short in duration, since remarriage rates were high.[6]

Divorce was generally rare historically (although this depends by culture and era), and divorce especially became very difficult to obtain afterward the fall of the Roman Empire, in Medieval Europe, due to strong interest of ecclesiastical courts in family life (though annulment and other forms of separation were more common).[7]

Demographics [edit]

Households [edit]

Among all households in OECD countries in 2011, the proportion of single-parent households was in 3-11% the range, with an average of 7.v%. It was highest in Australia (10%), Canada (10%), Mexico (ten%), United States (10%), Lithuania (x%), Costa Rica (11%), Latvia (xi%) and New Zealand (xi%), while it was lowest in Japan (3%), Greece (4%), Switzerland (4%), Bulgaria (five), Croatia (5%), Frg (v%), Italy (5%) and Republic of cyprus (5%). The proportion was ix% in both Republic of ireland and the United Kingdom.[eight]

Among households with children in 2005/09, the proportion of single-parent households was ten% in Japan, sixteen% in the Netherlands, nineteen% in Sweden, 20% in France, 22% in Denmark, 22% in Germany, 23% in Ireland, 25% in Canada, 25% in the U.k., and 30% in the United States. The U.S. proportion increased from xx% in 1980 to 30% in 2008.[9]

In all OECD countries, virtually single-parent households were headed past a female parent. The proportion headed past a father varied between ix% and 25%. It was lowest in Estonia (nine%), Costa rica (10%), Cyprus (x%), Japan (x%), Republic of ireland (10%) and the United Kingdom (12%), while it was highest in Kingdom of norway (22%), Spain (23%), Sweden (24%), Romania (25%) and the U.s.a. (25%). These numbers were non provided for Canada, Australia or New Zealand.[8]

Children [edit]

In 2016/17, the proportion of children living in a single-parent household varied betwixt vi% and 28% in the different OECD countries, with an OECD country boilerplate of 17%. Information technology was lowest in Turkey (2015, 6%), Hellenic republic (eight%), Croatia (8%) and Poland (10%), while it was highest in French republic (23%), United Kingdom (23%), Belgium (25%), Lithuania (25%), U.s. (27%) and Latvia (28%). Information technology was 19% in Ireland and Canada.[10]

Among children living in a single-parent household, most alive primarily with their mother, others primarily with their male parent, while other children have a shared parenting arrangement where they spend an approximately equal corporeality of fourth dimension with their two parents. Amid those living primarily with one single parent, most live with their mother. In 2016 (or latest year available), the proportion of 6-12 year olds living primarily with their single father ranged between 5% and 36% among the dissimilar OECD countries. It was highest in Belgium (17%), Iceland (19%), Slovenia (20%), France (22%), Norway (23%) and Sweden (36%), while it was lowest in Lithuania (4%), Ireland (5%), Poland (5%), Republic of estonia (7%), Austria (7%) and the Great britain (viii%). It was xv% in the United States.[xi]

In 2005/06, the proportion of 11- to 15-year-old children living in a shared parenting organization versus with only ane of their parents varied betwixt one% and 17%, being the highest in Sweden. It was 5% in Ireland and the United States, and vii% in Canada and the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland.[12] By 2016/17, the pct in Sweden had increased to 28%.[xiii]

Bear on on parents [edit]

Single mothers [edit]

Over 9.five million American families are run by 1 woman. Single mothers are likely to accept mental health issues, fiscal hardships, alive in a low income area, and receive depression levels of social support. All of these factors are taken into consideration when evaluating the mental wellness of single mothers. The occurrence of moderate to severe mental disability was more pronounced among unmarried mothers at 28.7% compared to partnered mothers at 15.7%.[14] These mental disabilities include merely are not limited to anxiety and depression. Financial hardships also affect the mental health of unmarried mothers. Women, ages 15–24, were more likely to alive in a low socio-economic surface area, accept one kid, and not to have completed their senior year of high schoolhouse. These women reported to be in the 2 lowest income areas, and their mental health was much poorer than those in higher income areas.[xiv]

A similar study on the mental wellness of single mothers attempted to answer the question, "Are there differences in the prevalence of psychiatric disorders, between married, never-married, and separated/divorced mothers?" Statistically, never married, and separated/divorced mothers had the highest regularities of drug corruption, personality disorder and PTSD.[15] The family unit construction can become a trigger for mental health issues in single mothers. They are especially at risk for having higher levels of depressive symptoms.[16]

Studies from the 1970s showed that unmarried mothers who are not financially stable are more likely to experience depression.[17] In a more electric current study it was proven that financial strain was direct correlated with heaven rocket levels of depression.[17] Amidst depression-income, single mothers, depressive symptoms may exist as high every bit 60%.[18]

Inadequate access to mental wellness care services is prevalent among impoverished women. Low-income women are less likely to receive mental wellness care for numerous reasons. Mental health services remain inequitable for low-income, more so, low-income single women are more likely to endure from depression, anxiety, and other poor mental health outcomes. Researchers Copeland and Snyder (2011) addressed the barriers low-income unmarried mothers have on receiving mental health care, "Visible barriers often include the lack of customs resources, transportation, child care, convenient hours, and fiscal resource." Meanwhile, low-income single mothers are more probable to bring their children in for mental health treatment than themselves. Researchers Copeland and Snyder analyzed sixty-iv African American mothers who brought their children in for mental health handling. These mothers were then screened for mild, moderate, and severe low and/or anxiety. After 3 months the researchers used an ethnographic interview to address whether or non the participants used mental wellness services that were referred to them. Results indicated that the bulk of the participants did not apply the referred mental health care services for reasons that included: fear of losing their children, being hospitalized and/or stigmatized by their community counterparts.[xix]

Impact on children [edit]

According to David Blankenhorn,[xx] Patrick Fagan,[21] Mitch Pearlstein[22] David Popenoe[23] and Barbara Dafoe Whitehead,[24] living in a single parent family is strongly correlated with school failure and issues of delinquency, drug use, teenage pregnancies, poverty, and welfare dependency in the U.s.a.. Using multilevel modelling, Suet-Ling Pong has shown that a high proportion of American children from unmarried parent families perform poorly on mathematics and reading achievement tests.[25] [26]

In Sweden, Emma Fransson et al. have shown that children living with one single parent have worse well-being in terms of concrete health behavior, mental health, peer friendships, bullying, cultural activities, sports, and family relationships, compared to children from intact families. As a contrast, children in a shared parenting arrangement that live approximately equal amount of time with their divorced mother and begetter have about the same well-being equally children from intact families and better outcomes than children with but one custodial parent.[27]

The United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland Function for National Statistics has reported that children of single parents, afterwards controlling for other variables like family unit income, are more likely to accept problems, including being twice every bit likely to suffer from mental illness.[28] Both British and American researchers testify that children with no fathers are iii times more likely to exist unhappy, and are too more probable to engage in anti-social behavior, corruption substances and engage in juvenile deliquency.[29] [thirty]

Impact on American society [edit]

In 2017, the U.S Census Bureau published a report breaking down the number of children living in unmarried parent households past the race of the family unit. The report found dramatic disparities in the rates of unmarried parent families among the races examined.[31]

Cultural norms and attitudes [edit]

There is some debate among experts as to what the important component of the family unit construction is, particularly in the US, centring on whether or not a complete family or the love and affection of the children'due south parents is more important. There are even some that argue that a unmarried-parent family is not even actually a family.[32] In the United States, where living standards are generally high, unmarried-parent households are on average much poorer, a pattern largely explained by the lack of a second source of income in the home itself.[33] With respect to this, contempo public policy debates have centered on whether or not government should give help to unmarried parent households, which some believe will reduce poverty and improve their state of affairs, or instead focus on wider problems similar protecting employment.[34] In addition, at that place is a debate on the behavioral effects of children with incarcerated parents, and how losing 1 or both parents to incarceration affects their academic performance and social well-being with others.[35]

Information technology is encouraged that each parent respects the other, at least in the child's presence[ past whom? ], and provide child back up for the master caregiver, when parents are not married or separated.[34] [36] The ceremonious behaviour among separated parents has a direct issue on how the child copes with their situation; this is specially seen in younger children who exercise not nonetheless empathize their familial separation, requiring both parents to establish a limited friendship to back up the upbringing of their kid.[36]

Causes of single-parenthood [edit]

Widowed parents [edit]

Statue of a mother at the Yasukuni Shrine, dedicated to war widows who raised their children solitary

Historically, death of a partner was a mutual cause of single parenting. Diseases and maternal death not infrequently resulted in a widower or widow responsible for children. At sure times wars might as well deprive significant numbers of families of a parent. Improvements in sanitation and maternal care have decreased mortality for those of reproductive age, making death a less common crusade of single parenting.

Divorced parents [edit]

Divorce statistics [edit]

In 2009, the overall divorce rate was around ix/1000 in the U.s.a.. It was also found that more influence came from the south, with the rates there being about 10.5/thousand, as opposed to the north where it was around 7/thou.[37] This resulted in about i.five% (around 1 million) children living in the firm of a recently divorced parent in the same yr.[38] Forth with this, it has been shown that for the by 10 years or and then, offset marriages have a twoscore% chance of ending in divorce.[ citation needed ] And, for other marriages afterward a first divorce, the gamble of another divorce increases. In 2003, a written report showed that about 69% of children in American living in a household that was a dissimilar structure than the typical nuclear family. This was broken downwards into nigh xxx% living with a stepparent, 23% living with a biological female parent, 6% with grandparents as caregivers, 4% with a biological male parent, 4% with someone who was not a direct relative, and a pocket-size ane% living with a foster family unit.[39]

Effectually the mid-1990s, there was a significant amount of single parents raising children, with one.iii million single fathers and million single mothers in the United States alone.[ commendation needed ] However, many parents want, or attempt, to get sole custody, which would make them a unmarried parent, but are unsuccessful in the courtroom process. There are many parents who may unmarried parent, but do so without official custody, further biasing statistics.

Children and divorce [edit]

Child custody in reference to divorce refers to which parent is allowed to brand important decisions most the children involved. Physical custody refers to which parent the child lives with. Among divorced parents, "parallel parenting" refers to parenting after divorce in which each parent does so independently; this is most common. In comparing, cooperative parenting occurs when the parents involved in the kid's life work together around all involved parties' schedules and activities, and this is far less mutual. After a sure "crisis period," most children resume normal development; withal, their future relationships are often affected, as they lack a model upon which to base a healthy long-term relationship. Nonetheless, as adults children of divorcees cope ameliorate with change.[twoscore] [41] [42]

Children are afflicted by divorce in many different ways, varying by the circumstances and age of the child. Young children ages two to six are by and large the most fearful of parental separation, and often feel abandoned or confused. Both boys and girls take the same amount of trouble coping, but often evidence this in different ways. However this age group adapts all-time to their situations, as they are often too young to retrieve their non-custodial parent vividly. Children ages 7 to twelve are much improve at expressing emotions and accepting parentage breakage, but often distrust their parents, rely on outside aid and back up for encouragement, and may manifest social and bookish problems. Adolescents cope the worst with divorce; they often struggle near with the change, and may fifty-fifty turn abroad from their family entirely, dealing with their state of affairs on their own. They oftentimes have problems expressing feelings, like to far younger children, and may have adjustment issues with long-term relationships due to these feelings.[43] Keeping in touch with both parents and having a salubrious relationship with both mother and father appears to take the most consequence on a kid'southward behavior; which leads to an easier time coping with the divorce as well every bit development through the child's life.[44] Children will do ameliorate with their parents divorce if they take a smooth adjustment period. 1 way to brand this adjustment easier on children is to let them "remain in the same neighborhoods and schools following divorce."[45]

Unmarried woman births [edit]

Unintended pregnancy [edit]

Some out-of-wedlock births are intended, but many are unintentional. Out-of-union births are frequently not acceptable to guild, and they oft consequence in single parenting. A partner may also leave as he or she may want to shirk responsibility of bringing up the child. This also may impairment the child.[46] Where they are not adequate, they sometimes result in forced wedlock, notwithstanding such marriages neglect more oftentimes than others.

In the U.s.a., the rate of unintended pregnancy is higher among single couples than amongst married ones. In 1990, 73% of births to unmarried women were unintended at the fourth dimension of conception, compared to virtually 44% of births overall.[47]

Mothers with unintended pregnancies, and their children, are subject to numerous adverse wellness effects, including increased hazard of violence and death, and the children are less likely to succeed in school and are more likely to live in poverty and be involved in crime.

"Fragile Families" are ordinarily acquired by an unintended pregnancy out of wedlock. Usually in this situation the begetter is not completely in the motion picture and the relationship betwixt the mother, father, and child is consistently unstable. As well as instability "fragile families" are frequently limited in resources such as human majuscule and fiscal resources, the kids that come from these families are more probable to exist hindered within school and don't succeed besides as kids who have strictly single parents or two parent homes.[48] Usually within these families the father plans to stick effectually and aid raise the child but once the child is built-in the fathers do not stay for much longer and only one third stay after five years of the child'southward nativity.[49] Nearly of these fragile families come from depression economic status to begin with and the cycle appears to continue; one time the kid grows up they are just as likely to still exist poor and live in poverty as well.[l] Almost fragile families end with the mother condign a unmarried parent, leaving it even more difficult to come out of the poverty bike. The gender of the baby seems to have no effect if the father is not living with the female parent at the time of the nascence, meaning they are notwithstanding likely to get out afterwards ane twelvemonth of the kid's nascency. However there is some evidence that suggests that if the father is living with the mother at the time of the nativity he is more than likely to stay later on one year if the child is a son rather than a daughter.[51]

Choice [edit]

Some individuals cull to get meaning and parent on their own. Others choose to adopt. Typically referred to in the West as "Single Mothers by Choice" or "Choice Moms" though, fathers also (less commonly) may choose to go single parents through adoption or surrogacy. Many turn to single parenthood past choice after not finding the right person to heighten children with, and for women, it often comes out of a desire to have biological children earlier information technology is too tardily to do so.

Single-parent adoption [edit]

A single mother and kid

History of single parent adoptions [edit]

Unmarried parent adoptions have existed since the mid 19th century. Men were rarely considered as adoptive parents, and were considered far less desired. Frequently, children adopted by a single person were raised in pairs rather than alone, and many adoptions by lesbians and gay men were arranged every bit single parent adoptions. During the mid 19th century many state welfare officials made it difficult if not impossible for single persons to adopt, every bit agencies searched for "normal" families with married men and women. In 1965, the Los Angeles Bureau of Adoptions sought unmarried African-Americans for African-American orphans for whom married families could not exist found. In 1968, the Child Welfare League of America stated that married couples were preferred, but there were "exceptional circumstances" where single parent adoptions were permissible.[52]

Non much has changed with the adoption process since the 1960s. However, today, many countries just allow women to adopt as a single parent, and many others just allow men to adopt boys.[53]

Considerations [edit]

Single parent adoptions are controversial. They are, nonetheless, however preferred over divorcees, as divorced parents are considered an unnecessary stress on the kid.[54] In ane study, the interviewers asked children questions about their new lifestyle in a single-parent habitation. The interviewer found that when asked most fears, a high proportion of children feared illness or injury to the parent. When asked near happiness, half of the children talked nigh outings with their single adoptive parent.[55] A single person wanting to prefer a child has to be mindful of the challenges they may confront, and there are certain agencies that will not work with single adoptive parents at all. Single parents will typically only have their own income to live off of, and thus might not have a backup plan for potential children in case something happens to them.[56] Traveling is besides made more complex, as the child must either be left in someone else's care, or taken forth.[57]

By country [edit]

Australia [edit]

In 2003, 14% of all Australian households were single-parent families.[58] In Australia 2011, out of all families 15.nine% were single parent families. Out of these families 17.6% of the single parents were males, whilst 82.4% were females.[59]

Single people are eligible to apply for adoption in all states of Australia, except for Queensland and Southward Australia. They are able to use for adoption both to Australian built-in and international born children, although not many other countries let single parent adoptions.[60]

Single parents in Australia are eligible for support payments from the government, simply only if they are caring for at to the lowest degree i child nether the historic period of 8.[61]

New Zealand [edit]

At the 2013 census, 17.eight% of New Zealand families were single-parent, of which five-sixths were headed by a female person. Unmarried-parent families in New Zealand have fewer children than ii-parent families; 56% of single-parent families accept only one child and 29% have ii children, compared to 38% and twoscore% respectively for two-parent families.[62]

United Kingdom [edit]

In the United Kingdom, about 1 out of 4 families with dependent children are single-parent families, viii to 11 percent of which accept a male unmarried-parent.[63] [64] [65] UK poverty figures testify that 52% of single parent families are below the Authorities-defined poverty line (after housing costs).[66] Single parents in the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland are almost twice as likely to exist in low-paid jobs as other workers (39% of working single parents compared with 21% of working people nationally). This is highlighted in a report published past Gingerbread, funded by Trust for London and Barrow Cadbury Trust.[67]

United States [edit]

US single parent family income distribution.svg

In the United States, since the 1960s, at that place has been a marked increase in the number of children living with a single parent. The jump was caused by an increase in births to single women and by the increasing prevalence of divorces amongst couples. In 2010, 40.7% of births in the The states were to single women.[68] In 2000, 11% of children were living with parents who had never been married, 15.6% of children lived with a divorced parent, and 1.2% lived with a parent who was widowed.[69] [lxx] The results of the 2010 United States Census showed that 27% of children live with one parent, consistent with the emerging tendency noted in 2000.[71] The most recent data of December 2011 shows approximately thirteen.vii one thousand thousand single parents in the U.S.[72] Mississippi leads the nation with the highest percent of births to unmarried mothers with 54% in 2014, followed past Louisiana, New United mexican states, Florida and South Carolina.[73]

In 2020, 10.vii million families in the U.s.a. were headed by a single parent with children under the age of 18, lxxx% of which were headed by a female. [74] [75]

The newest census agency reports that betwixt 1960 and 2016, the percent of children living in families with ii parents decreased from 88 to 69. Of those million children living in families with two parents, one thousand thousand live with ii married parents and iii.0 million alive with 2 unmarried parents.[76]

The percentage of children living with unmarried parents increased substantially in the United States during the second half of the 20th century. Co-ordinate to a 2013 Child Trends study, only nine% of children lived with single parents in the 1960s—a figure that increased to 28% in 2012.[77] The main cause of unmarried parent families are loftier rates of divorce and not-marital childbearing.

India [edit]

The Supreme Court of Republic of india and various High Courts of  India have recognized the rights of unmarried mothers to requite nativity and heighten children.[78] [79] The High Court of Kerala, has declared in a case argued by Advocate Aruna A. that, the birth registration authorities cannot insist on the details of the father for registration of nativity of a child born to a single female parent, conceived through IVF.[80] [81]

See also [edit]

  • Cost of raising a child
  • Family
  • Family planning
  • Marriage gap
  • Shared parenting
  • Single (human relationship)
  • Sole custody
  • Teenage pregnancy

References [edit]

  1. ^ Miriam-Webster Dictionary unmarried parent, noun
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Further reading [edit]

  • Bankston, Carl L.; Caldas, Stephen J. (1998). "Family Construction, Schoolmates, and Racial Inequalities in Schoolhouse Achievement". Journal of Union and the Family. threescore (3): 715–723. doi:10.2307/353540. JSTOR 353540. S2CID 144979354.
  • Dependent Children: 1 in 4 in solitary-parent families, National Statistics Online, National Statistics, United Kingdom, July 7, 2005, retrieved 17 July 2006
  • "Family Life: Stresses of Unmarried Parenting". American University of Pediatricians. Retrieved 8 November 2012.
  • Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics (20 July 2005). "America's Children: Family Structure and Children'due south Well-Existence". Backgrounder.
  • Geographic Distribution: London has most alone-parent families, National Statistics Online, National Statistics, Britain, July seven, 2005, retrieved 17 July 2006
  • Hilton, J.; Desrochers, Due south.; Devall, E. (2001). "Comparing of Role Demands, Relationships, and Child Functioning is Unmarried-Mother, Unmarried-Father, and Intact Families". Journal of Divorce and Remarriage. 35: 29–56. doi:10.1300/j087v35n01_02. S2CID 145109403.
  • Lavie, Smadar (2014). Wrapped in the Flag of Israel: Mizrahi Unmarried Mothers and Bureaucratic Torture. Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books. ISBN 978-ane-78238-222-five hardback; 978-ane-78238-223-2 ebook.

  • Mulkey, L.; Crain, R; Harrington, A.Chiliad. (Jan 1992). "1-Parent Households and Achievement: Economic and Behavioral Explanations of a Small-scale Effect". Sociology of Education. 65 (one): 48–65. doi:10.2307/2112692. JSTOR 2112692.
  • Pong, Suet-ling (1998). "The Schoolhouse Compositional Effect of Single Parenthood on tenth Grade Achievement". Folklore of Education. 71 (1): 23–42. doi:10.2307/2673220. JSTOR 2673220.
  • Quinlan, Robert J. (November 2003). "Male parent absence, parental care, and female reproductive development". Evolution and Man Behavior. 24 (6): 376–390. doi:10.1016/S1090-5138(03)00039-4.
  • Richards, Leslie N.; Schmiege, Cynthia J. (July 1993). "Family Diverseness". Family unit Relations. 42 (3): 277–285. doi:ten.2307/585557. JSTOR 585557.
  • Risman, Barbara J.; Park, Kyung (November 1988). "Just The Two of United states: Parent-Kid Relationships in Single-Parent Homes". Periodical of Wedlock and the Family unit. fifty (4): 1049–1062. doi:ten.2307/352114. JSTOR 352114.
  • Sacks, G. (September iv, 2005). "Boys without fathers is not a logical new idea". Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. Little Stone, Arkansas.
  • Sang-Hun, Choe (October vii, 2009). "Grouping Resists Korean Stigma for Unwed Mothers". The New York Times.
  • Shattuck, Rachel G.; Kreider, Rose Yard. (May 2012). "Social and Economic Characteristics of Currently Unmarried Women with a Recent Birth, 2011". U.S. Census Bureau. Retrieved 2 Dec 2013.
  • Solomon-Fears, Carmen (July xxx, 2014). Nonmarital Births: An Overview (PDF). Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service. Retrieved 7 August 2014.


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